Monday, December 6, 2010

Friday, September 24, 2010

Welcome Fall!

Next week begins a new job for me, one that hopefully offers more one on one time with the patients. My former job has been good to me, but the amount of travel time, documentation, and supervision was increasing leaving me feeling very guilty about being away from the kids. So with the change of seasons, I am looking forward to this change too.

The kids have been doing great. While Josh is hitting his motor milestones, Brandon is expanding his language. It is so fascinating to watch their growth. My favorite part of the day is to watch the two interact together. I still can't get over just how much Brandon adores his brother. As soon as he wakes up, Brandon listens for the baby cooing and runs to grab him a baby toy. Today, I caught Brandon encouraging Josh's crawling, "Keep going Joshi."

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Monday, May 31, 2010

Little Blue Eyes

I just love him!

Memorial Day Weekend 2010
We spent a great three day weekend with Nana and Grandpa Curtis at their home in Narragansett, RI. Brandon loved exploring Nana's gardens, especially the fountain and Grandpa made sure to pamper us with delicious food. We were able to get to the beach, the local park, and bring the boys to their first parade.

Wonder Dog (and her trainer!)

Watching the parade

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Davis Farmland Adventures

We headed out to Davis Farmland in Sterling to spend a nice sunny day with sheep, goats, pigs, horses, and my favorite, Wookie the alpaca.


Joshua, hanging out with Dad

After the hayride and seeing the animals, Brandon had fun exploring the playgrounds and cozy coupe town.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Happy 3 Months Joshua!

Joshua has quickly worked himself into our family. Brandon has a big smile every morning when he first sees his little brother. Josh accompanies us to playgroups and seems to be a go with the flow kind of guy. He even seems to like mom's singing :) He had his first taste of food today when one of my clients enticed me with the idea that cereal helped her daughter sleep through the night. His eyes got big and bright and his expression seemed to say "Mom you've been holding out on me!"

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Beach Day!

called for 80 degree weather so we all hopped in the car bound and determined to find a nice dog friendly beach...we were successful and enjoyed a great afternoon!

Brandon could have probably lived there and we quickly stripped him down to his bathing suit. Aspen romped with all the other furry friends on the beach and it was so nice to see her having fun after her Valentine's Day ordeal. Joshua did great for his first beach trip! I think he enjoyed being lulled to sleep by the waves.